弗尔德的故事是一个证明了,只要有创始精神、勇气、创新思维和前瞻性的创业心态,并有一个共同的动机,公司几十年来一直致力于此,就有可能发展成为真正的大公司。 在弗尔德,这种内在动力是创始人家族的核心承诺,一方面是发展技术创新,另一方面是解决客户问题,从而使客户获得成功。自热情的企业家André Verder 创立以来,这种关注一直是贯穿公司历史的主线。
60 多年前,当公司作为工业应用泵的供应商开始运营时,安德烈清楚地认识到:技术在精神上是没有界限的,也没有地理上的边界。他一步步为公司的国际化奠定了基础, 并在那个时代做出了大胆的决定,将业务扩展到东欧。André 因此将客户导向、流程理解和技术诀窍的典型组合作为其家族企业的DNA,在他的儿子Andries 于2005 年接管公司管理后,仍然是Verder 的核心。该集团沿着两个战略支柱进行调整。 弗尔德科学仪器和弗尔德流体。通过这种方式,客户的关注度得到了进一步提高。两个业务单元的产品组合稳步增长,达到了客户认知的新水平。除了持续的有机增长,该集团开始通过公司的成立和收购将其业务活动扩展到有意义的、具有战略意义的领域。 通过Pindustry,弗尔德终于获得了第三个业务单元,它以前瞻性的眼光投资于近期内有前途的新技术。
弗勒登一直是我们总部的所在地。为了庆祝该镇的历史和Verder 公司成立50 周年, André Verder 在2009 年捐赠了David Mackaay 的艺术作品"Prophecies of Light Advancing Light",它代表了Leidsche Rijn 地区的发展自建成以来给该地区带来的进步和繁荣。
In 1959, entrepreneur André Verder starts his business, Verder Vleuten BV, the Dutch province of Utrecht. For the first eleven years of its history, the fast-growing company focuses on Dutch business and specializes in the distribution of industrial pumps. From the early days on, Verder earns the reputation of a company with a special understanding of the technologically feasible. A company, which orients towards the customer and always strives to understanding the customers' business and processes requirements. The characteristics that have distinguished Verder to this day.
In 1970, Verder begins to expand into the European markets. The start is made with a subsidiary in Aartselaar, Belgium. In 1973, Verder enters another core market, Germany, followed by France in 1984, Great Britain in 1992, and Italy in 2007. Also two Joint Ventures are established for the Dutch market: KNF-Verder in 1991 and Prominent-Verder in 1992. Today, Verder has offices all over Europe’s major markets. This includes Eastern Europe: Shortly after the fall of the "Iron Curtain", the group also extended its business there, with representative offices in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Romania.
In 1989, Verder acquires Retsch and adds quality control and research to the portfolio. The company's founder, F. Kurt Retsch, applied for his first patent in the field of comminution technology in 1923: A mechanized mortar grinder that became a household name worldwide as the "Retsch Mill". In the following years, Verder adds particle analysis systems to the offering and founds Retsch Technology. This laboratory and analysis segment is set to develop into an important mainstay in the coming decades.
Market firsts, like a peristaltic hose pump that sets new standards for industrial pumping, a high-energy ball mill with temperature control options, or a particle analyzer which measures particle morphology in 3D are proof of Verder's uncompromising commitment to progress. Year after year, Verder develops and launches products based on latest technological advances - like a range of state-of-the-art pumps and analyzers with loT connectivity.
Parallel to the Scientific acquisitions, Verder also acquired several pump manufacturing brands in order to serve the customer base even better. It started with the acquisition of MtP where several Verderair diaphragm pumps are manufactured, followed Microdos, leader in small peristaltic and solenoid pumps. After that Packo was acquired in 2015, laying the foundation for the venture into more hygienic pump applications. That effort was strengthened by the subsequent acquisition of JEC in 2018. In between also Ponndorf was added to the group to extend the range of peristaltic pumping solutions. All these efforts solidified the position of Verder Liquids as the leading pump manufacturer.
Around the Millennium, Verder begins to expand into overseas markets to directly serve customers in further major economies. The first subsidiary outside Europe is established in Japan in 1999. From 2000 onwards, Verder is also active in the USA. Finally, in 2006, important steps are taken for the increasingly important and dynamic Asian business: A liaison office in China becomes the bridgehead for all activities in the ASEAN region. Since 2019, Verder is also present in Brazil.
The rapid diversification and expansion of the preceding years leads to the establishment of a powerful umbrella organization, the Verder Croup, in 2005. Apart from steering its subsidiaries, the Group Headquarter assumes important cross-divisional tasks and services for the individual companies. In particular, it looks after the realization of synergies and has overall responsibility for group-wide strategy development and corporate governance. This overarching organization moves into new headquarters in the Netherlands at the Vleuten site.
With the incorporation of Eltra and Carbolite in 2012, the Verder Scientific division is established, comprising the group’s activities in the laboratory and analytical segment. Further acquisitions follow: Cero in 2013, ATM in 2015, Qness in 2018 and Microtrac in 2019. The companies evolve Into today's segments of Verder Scientific: Retsch, Eltra, Carbolite Cero, Microtrac MRB and QATM. Present worldwide, with a broad portfolio in the fields of sample preparation and solids analysis.
In 2014, Verder founds its subsidiary Pindustry. Its mission: to support innovative startups and companies in order to accelerate the development of new technologies. In the same year, the company invests in two promising companies: Resato, which develops high-pressure cutting machines as well as high-pressure refueling systems for hydrogen vehicles, and Aerox, a manufacturer of industrial odor control solutions. In 2022 a majority stake was acquired in Valveco, a Dutch supplier of valves, actuators, pipe couplings, vent caps, flanges and services for the maritime and offshore sector.